Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Not a good thing

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Martha's familiar blond bob and pressed shirt on my own tiny TV here in NZ. TVNZ finally picked up her show to allow the people of New Zealand to discover their ultimate Martha potential.

The whole show was devoted to baking, chocolate cake, pecan buns, etc. I was so inspired I went to my own cupboard with visions of baked goods coming out of the oven before Paul came home from work. But as I reached for the baking pan, I was jolted by the sight of a giant water rat leaping out of the garbage back and scuttling off behind the oven. Any hopes of using either my baking pans or my oven were quickly dashed.

Apparently, my landlord tells me the critters are quite common in these parts, but you can be assured he's coming out here today to lay some traps and close and cracks the vermin might be using to gain access.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, that is so heinous! I think all your apartments are cursed that way.

6:24 AM  

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